Hey coaches, course creators & spiritual entrepreneurs! Ready to sign more dream clients?
The 5 Secrets of a Spellbinding Sales Page that Gets Your Ideal Clients Sold on Your Offer, Fast
A 5-step guide to writing a sales page that makes your programs & services a HELL YES! for your Perfect Fit clients.
Discover the spellbinding formula to writing Sales Pages that make your audience feel seen, heard & felt by you – so they feel called from deep within their soul to sign up for your offer.
If you’ve ever had these thoughts while writing a sales page...
“Am I getting my message across clearly?”
“How can I be sure that I’m focusing on things that will resonate with my audience?”
“Am I missing anything I should include here?”
"Why the fork is no one buying my amazing program??”

… then this guide is exactly what you need to start writing high-converting sales pages with clarity, confidence & alignment.
No matter how amazing your program is, if your sales page copy doesn’t convey your message in the right way, wayyy fewer people are going to enroll in your offer.
People you would LOVE to work with are going to land on your website, have a look around… and then leave without enrolling or even joining your email list.
They’ll never know that your program was exactly what they were looking for.
They’ll never know that their life could be so much fuller, richer, more fulfilling if only they had joined.
Because your sales page didn’t tell them what they needed to hear to take the leap & work with you.
It didn’t make them feel like you’re so attuned to their experiences & desires that you must be peering into their soul.
In this guide, you’ll discover 5 key areas to focus on in your sales page that will make working with you irresistible – with plenty of examples & tips so that you can effortlessly implement everything you learn.
Most Sales Pages fail because they don’t balance two things:

It’s hard to write a Sales Page that conveys the full multidimensional magic of your program.
You’re tried a half-dozen “proven strategies” that you picked up from bro marketing podcasts, but none of them seemed to get you anywhere.
You’ve started to catch on that squeezing your expansive genius into someone else’s suffocating box just doesn’t work.
So you throw away the rules & try to just write from your heart… but that doesn’t lead to more people signing up for your offer, either.
The problem: without a solid STRUCTURE, your audience won’t understand your offer. And if they don’t understand what you’re selling, they won’t buy it.
As a creative person, you also need FLOW so your unique genius can breathe on the page.
Flow is the space for you to speak directly from your heart, to channel from Source, to breathe magic into your Sales Page.
If there’s no flow, there’s no spark. No delicious magnetism that draws in your dream clients.
A high-converting Sales Page expertly balances these masculine & feminine dualities, structure & flow.
So you can present your audience with a clear, easy-to-understand offer using captivating copy that feels aligned with your energy.
This is exactly what you’ll learn in the 5 Secrets to a Spellbinding Sales Page.
Through our framework, you’ll discover the 5 structural keys you *need* to include to attract & convert more clients, and you’ll be given plenty of room to play around & align your Sales Page with your energy & intentions.
GRAB YOUR COPYHere’s What You’ll Get…

The "5 Secrets of a Spellbinding Sales Page" Guide
Over 20 pages of insights about what makes a high-converting sales page, based on my decade of experience running launches & marketing online courses. You’ll discover the 5 often-overlooked keys to a magnetic sales page, so you can attract more dream clients, get fully booked & finally start having the impact you crave with your business.
A Madlib-Style Framework to Create Epic Taglines
Your tagline is one of the most important things on your sales page. A good tagline will draw in your dream clients right away & stir that “this is for me!” feeling in their gut… but a boring tagline will cause them to bounce from the page after only a second. I’ve seen business owners nearly double their conversion rate just from improving their tagline!
In this guide, you’ll get my top secret tagline formula. Learn the 4 must-have features of a great tagline, and feel fully held as I walk you through how to apply this to your program.
Dozens of Great Copy Examples Inspired by 6- and 7-Figure Launches I’ve Run for Clients
I want you to walk away from this guide with clear, tangible ideas about how you can incorporate what you learn into your business. That’s why I’ve included dozens of examples and copy comparisons to guide you in making your next sales page juicy & irresistible.
Plus these exclusive bonuses...

AUDIO VERSION: The 5 Secrets of a Spellbinding Sales Page
Prefer to listen to the guide? Here’s your audio companion!
I know I’m not the only person who signs up for offers but doesn’t always make the time to go through them… Now that you can listen in the car, at the gym, or on the go, there’s nothing stopping you from completing the guide and immediately starting to integrate everything you learn into your business.

Magnetic Offer Sacral Chakra Activation
One of the biggest keys to creating an offer people love to buy is that YOU already know how massively transformational it is. If you’re struggling to sell, it could be because you aren’t fully bought into the idea that your offer is exactly what the world needs right now. In this guided meditation, you’ll connect with your offer in ways you never thought possible, and learn how to truly love and trust what you’re putting out into the world.

Fall in Love with Your Offer Workbook
When you fall in love with your craft, you’ll run your business with greater integrity – the perfect recipe for creating an audience that’s obsessed with you. These journaling prompts will help you find clarity around what your offer really brings to your clients, spiritually and emotionally, so that you can magnetically attract more people and eventually even raise your prices!

Your sales page is a magical portal that changes the lives of everyone who reads it.
When you know how to properly initiate your soulmate clients through that portal, it will start to feel effortless for you to fill your programs & sign new clients at higher rates.
A spellbinding sales page keeps your audience engaged, intrigued & aware of what an amazing opportunity it would be to work with you – so none of your dream clients bounce from your page thinking your program isn’t for them.
In this spellbinding formula, you’ll learn how to…
- Write your Sales Page in less than 2 hours (yes, really). No more hours spent in front of the screen racking your brain for what to write. My simple formula will show you the must-have components of a Sales Page – so you know exactly what you need to include to make your offer irresistible. Past clients have said this formula brought their writing time from 10+ hours down to 2 hours, with double the conversion rate.
- Create a tagline that connects with your audience’s deepest desires & stirs their intrigue from the very first line. A tagline can make your audience think, OMG I NEED THIS!… or it can make them bounce off the page, unimpressed. My Sales Page formula features dozens of examples of successful taglines from 6-figure online programs, and provides you with a fill-in-the-blank formula to write your own perfect tagline.
- Convey the brilliant value of your offer, so your dream clients see that YOU are exactly what they’ve been waiting for. You’ll learn how to make clear, tangible promises that draw in your audience and leave them eager for more. (Hint: this is how you break away from feeling like you need to “convince” people to sign up & instead effortlessly sign new clients, because the value of your offer speaks for itself)
- Write copy that consistently resonates with your dream clients. (This is the #1 most important shift soul-aligned business owners need to make in how they write about their offer) Time and time again I see this mistake PREVENT business owners from writing a Sales Page that makes their audience feel seen, heard & felt. Once you learn this shift, you’ll have the skills to build strong connections with your audience while sharing authentically from the heart. (This is the key to soul-aligned marketing!)
- Channel high-converting Sales Page copy that feels aligned with your values. The era of trying to squeeze your unique creative expression into someone else’s icky-feeling strategy is OVER. Within our formula, you’ll find plenty of space for your genius to sparkle and flow. This is not a rigid structure, but it will provide you with necessary insights to writing a Sales Page that resonates with your audience.
Hi, I’m Sam 👋
In my 10 years working with conscious & spiritual online business owners, I’ve helped dozens of my clients create sales pages for programs that launched to the tune of 6- and 7-figures.
I’ve also seen the disappointment & heartbreak that comes when that sales page you spent hours on evokes nothing but crickets from your audience.

The 5 Secrets of a Spellbinding Sales Page is my proven formula to write compelling Sales Pages that ATTRACT Perfect-Fit clients to your offer & TRANSFORM them into over-the-moon customers.
Even if you’ve been a business owner for years & you’ve written dozens of sales pages, I promise there is something new, exciting & insightful in this guide for you.